I Like Time to Heal

They took me, a complete stranger, into their home. Because of their decision, my growth and healing began.


Cozy cup and fireplace

It was 2016. I had stayed in twenty-two different houses after my divorce left me homeless and neck-deep in debt I did not create. I was at my emotional end, yet could not afford to live on my own. In each place I was told, ‘You can stay here until you get well-established.’ But it wasn’t true. There was always a reason for me to need to move on, especially if I felt unsafe or insecure. I simply could NOT see myself going into another stranger’s home, until my friend introduced me to the Marquis family. I was wary of another “placement,” but Joelle made me feel like I could trust her, so I moved in.

Ken and Joelle took a complete stranger into their home. Because of their decision my growth and healing began. I lived there with them in that home for four years. Then, when they moved, I moved with them. They actually built two apartments into their new home for the purpose of helping folks like me.

People say, “Stay for as long as you need to.” But they don’t realize it may take years for God to finish healing, or to build trust and security in a broken person, or for them to find stable work and begin repairing their financial situation. But Ken and Joelle are different because they are like, “It’s okay. If it takes years, it takes years. We will still be here. We will see this all the way through.” They don’t give up. They don’t turn their backs. They don’t throw people away. It’s extremely rare to encounter people who actually model the unconditional love of God!

I feel incredibly blessed by all God has done for me. I needed more than just a place to live, I needed to be part of a healthy family. If I had just been put into an apartment, I don’t think…I honestly don’t think I would be alive.

And now – after five years of healing and Joelle’s financial guidance, I am debt-free! I have a good credit score, and I am purchasing my own condo! But it’s not just my condo—it’s God’s condo—to be shared and used for His purposes. In fact, my brother, who is in need of a home, will be coming to stay with me for a while. The beauty of everything is soon I will be the one who opens my home to someone in need. The Marquis legacy of unconditional love will continue.

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